Nov. 1st and 2nd are All Saints Day and All Souls Day in the catholic church. They are national holidays here. They are also high voodoo holidays with ceremonies in graveyards and sacrifices. Our church in Titayen yearly chooses this occasion to have a 4-day outdoor crusade in the market and they team up with other churches in the village to bring the gospel message each night. We supply lights and generators to help with the logistically end, but it is all Haitian run and Haitian led. This year, 63 people gave their lives to the Lord during the 4 nights and are being followed up with discipleship classes in the church every Monday afternoon. Pray for these new converts that the Word will take root in their lives and they will be diligent to attend the follow-up and begin growing in their faith.

The clinic addition is completely finished!!! The exam room is done and ready for patients. We are so excited. Thanks to the many teams that worked on this project from start to finish and to the Bethel Baptist Greeley. CO team for helping us finish. They grouted tile, put in the cabinets, and the counter tops and sink, and finished the plumbing. The most exciting part is that we have a small water heater unit and we get very hot water out of the faucet (only place on the compound that we have this!). The clinic is busier than ever - we probably are seeing over 20 burns and wounds at the moment, some very serious 3rd degree burns. We are so thankful for this new addition and the extra space and storage it provides. We are thankful for all the donations and hands that made it possible.
We have some staff prayer concerns to share with you:
David and Judy Heady are currently in South America meeting with and encouraging Global Outreach staff there. Pray for their time with the missionary families and for strength as they have been traveling and speaking since mid-September.
Glen and Linda Erickson had to return to the States following the death of his elderly mother. The funeral was yesterday. Pray especially for their witness to Glen's siblings-several of whom do not know the Lord. His mother was a long-time believer and they rejoice in her homecoming.
Cody and Maria Whittaker, our GO missionaries in Jacmel, Haiti experienced an armed home invasion and burglary last week in the middle of the night. They were the third missionary family in that community to be hit.
The Lord preserved them and they were not injured even as bullets came through their bedroom door where they had barricaded themselves. They had just returned to Haiti in October following the birth of a son. This was a very traumatic experience and they have returned to the US for counseling and debriefing at this time. Please pray for God's perfect peace for them and direction as when they should return to Jacmel. Please pray for protection for them and the missionary community there.
These situations leave Chris and I as the only GO missionaries on the ground in Haiti at the moment. Please pray for us as we host a team from North Carolina and deal with the daily ins and outs of running the compound and ministries.
Our new family, Nicky and Christy Runk and their two children, will be coming in early December to spend the month here. Please pray for them as they are raising support and getting ready to move to Haiti. We ask for the Lord's provision for them to be able to finish fund-raising and hope to have them here full-time in the spring.
Thank you all so much for praying-we need it and appreciate it more than you can know.
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ReplyDeleteGreat to hear an update! You are in my prayers. Thanks again for being such fearless warriors for Christ!
ReplyDeleteThe addition to the clinic is beautiful, and we so rejoice with you at God's goodness! We will be praying for the Whittakers after such a traumatizing experience.